Saturday, December 28, 2013

Socket / Network programming

Why socket programming?

With the escalation of distributed computing, single software needs to communicate with Internet or devices (may be another computer) on a network in order to carry out a task.
Socket is one of the fundamental aspect in computing which allows to communicate over a network using standard mechanisms, such as stream communication protocols (TCP/IP), datagram communication protocols (UDP/IP). 

Where can I find socket in real life?

If you're reading this, that means you are consuming the precious advantages of socket programming.
Yes..Indeed, your browser works as a client to communicate with the Internet, which is end of the day, a software. In addition to that peer-to-peer file transfer programs, instant messaging services, remote device connectivity (pay your bills from debit or credit card) for transactions can be best examples.  

How socket applications work?

Nutshell, it’s more or less like getting a telephone call to one of your friend. Requires two parties and one acts as a client (caller) while the other as a server (receiver). In order to get a call, you need to know the specific number belongs to your receiver, which is like host and the port of the server end of the day in network programming.
If you know the exact host and the port which has been exposed to a certain service, you can establish a connection over TCP/IP or UDP/IP to communicate. In order to establish the connectivity, you need to declare a socket while the sever listening to exact same socket.
It’s like you’re dialling to your friends’ phone, you have to wait until your friend accepts the call. Once he/she does accepts your call, then stats the communication until one of you hang (cut the connection) the phone. Exact same principle applies for the sockets as well, once you established the connectivity, you’re good to communicate and once you’re done connection close.

Have a look on bellow figure (1.1) to get further understanding on client-server communication.

figure 1.1


The base protocol of a socket implementation highly varies on the requirement. 

TCP/IP (Transfer Control Protocol) is a streaming protocol which allows you to perform multiple bidirectional communication without limitation, once opened the socket till the close operation.

But when it comes to datagram protocols like UDP/IP (User Datagram Protocol), it allows bidirectional communication but requires authentication token per every sprint. And also UDP/IP maintains data limits for communication at each sprint.

In general, if you want a quick response sprints or to implement your own security infrastructure, implementing sockets over UDP would be an ideal. But for commonly used interfaces or for services TCP plays a better roll but with proper security.

Socket Programming in JAVA

In Java class implements the Socket class and as the listener (server) has been implemented at  

Let’s code a simple client named as follows:

package com.manish.socket.client;


public class ClientSocketImpl {

    private static String reqMessage = "135.90";
    private static String host = "";
    private static int port = 7892;
    private static Socket socket = null;
    private static ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = null;
    private static ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = null;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException {

        socket = new Socket(host, port);
        objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
        System.out.println("ACQUIRING SERVER CONNECTIVITY....");
        objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
        String message = (String) objectInputStream.readObject();
        System.out.println("RESPONSE : " + message);



Okay, one more tiny step..Let’s code a simple server named as follows.

package com.manish.socket.client;

import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;

public class SocketServerExample {

    private static ServerSocket server;
    private static int port = 7892;
    private static String response;

    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        server = new ServerSocket(port);
        while(true) {
            System.out.println("WAITING FOR A CLIENT REQUEST...");
            Socket socket = server.accept();
            ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
            String message = (String) ois.readObject();
            double value = 0.00;
            try {
               value = Double.parseDouble(message.trim());
               value += returnInterest(value);
               response = MessageFormat.format("Your interest + amount Rs {0}", value);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                response = "Invalid request";
            ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
            if(message.equals("-1")) {

    private static Double returnInterest(Double amount) {
        if(amount < 10) {
            return ((amount/100)*5.2);
        } else if (amount < 50) {
            return ((amount/100)*8.1);
        } else if (amount < 100) {
            return ((amount/100)*10.3);
        } else {
            return ((amount/100)*12.5);


Okay..Now done...!

First run the server class and then the client. This is a very simple interest returning application, where a client can send an amount to server over a socket and get the interest added amount as the response.  

You can try this out by yourself and try to fetch something better out of it...! Enjoy and good luck..!